Internet Free Chat

Internet, an interconnection of millions of computers all over the world, is a great attraction among youth today.
It is becoming more accessible at home since many parents try to acquire computer unit to comply with their children’s requirement in school. Internet is now part of the curriculum of our educational system from elementary to college Young people are adept in using them than their parents and elders.
Every school tries to have Internet connection so that all students can get a hands-on practicum. They are taught how to access and surf the Internet.
Another place where the youth can get Internet connection is cyber-café, a center where many computer units are publicly available for a fee. Cyber-cafes are mostly located near the school zone so that students can access anytime during school days.
During a Media Education Seminar, eighty high school students were asked about their favorite media. The overwhelming answer was Internet. It came as a surprise since the common perception is television as the favorite medium of the youth. This could be an indicator that they are shifting to Internet having discovered its many attractive features.
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